Operating Specifications of Oxygen Analyzer

According to different principles, oxygen analysis instruments can generally be divided into three categories: fuel cell method oxygen analyzer, zirconia sensor of zirconia method, and magnetic oxygen analyzer. There are many precautions in the use of oxygen analyzer, otherwise it is very easy to have problems such as inaccurate analysis results. Therefore, several precautions summarized by Lebai.com for your reference:

  • Oxygen analyzer [1] Before starting for the first time, the connection points, solder joints, valves, etc. should be leak-checked to ensure that oxygen in the air will not reverse seep into the pipeline and the inside of the instrument, causing the measured value to be high.
  • Before using the instrument again, purify the piping system to blow out the leaked air, and make sure that no air leaks when connecting the sampling pipeline.
  • The change of oxygen content in the sample gas will be affected by the pipe material and surface roughness. Therefore, copper pipes or polished stainless steel pipes are generally used for connecting pipes, instead of plastic pipes, rubber pipes, etc.
  • During microanalysis, avoid the pollution of the sample gas caused by various pipe fittings, valves, meter heads and other dead angles. Therefore, the gas circuit system must be simplified as much as possible, and the dead angle of the connecting parts should be small. Power prevents pollution caused by the escape of dissolved oxygen. It is best to use water seals, oil seals and wax seals to ensure accurate data.
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