Chemical Inventory, Storage and Handling

Chemical Inventory 

  • Each PI/Lab Manager is required to maintain an inventory of chemicals stored and produced
    in their laboratory.
  • Laboratories can use the SBU EH&S Chemical Inventory form or any other template that
    includes full chemical name, CAS number, Manufacturer Name.
  • Nitric acid is one of the chemicals of interest regulated by DHS and a separate inventory
    must be maintained (Nitric Acid Security Plan).

Chemical Storage and Handling 

  • Label all chemicals: Make sure all labels are legible and in good condition. Unknown
    chemicals can be expensive to dispose of.
  • Label chemical storage areas.
  • Store chemicals in cabinets and on shelving provided for such storage.
  • Do not store incompatible chemicals in close proximity to each other.
  • Avoid storing chemicals in the fume hood or under the sink.
  • Keep containers closed unless you are dispensing a chemical or adding to the container.


Related Documents

Chemical Storage Guide 

Chemical Inventory Template

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