How to Debug the Combustible Gas Alarm?

If a metrological certification is required, the portable meter needs to be sent to the local metrology institute, and the fixed meter needs to invite the measurement staff to come to the calibration. (If it is within the range of test accuracy, a metrological verification certificate or test report can be obtained). Learn more about ETO gas detectors》

If it is only self-testing in the company, you can purchase a standard gas (usually requiring air as the bottom) for the test according to the target gas. (The actual accuracy can be tested, and usually requires ± 5% of full scale).

If there is no specific target gas name, only flammable, the easiest way is to extinguish the lighter after ignition, and continue to keep it close to the sensor. (Limited to the observation of whether an alarm can be issued and the accuracy cannot be judged).

How do I calibrate a flammable gas alarm with a standard gas? Learn more about infrared gas detectors >>

General calibration and calibration The combustible gas alarm should be calibrated at 3 points 20%, 40%, 60% of the standard gas.

Can the combustible gas alarm be connected to a fan or a solenoid valve?

Of course, but you have to make an amplifier isolation circuit yourself. Take the sample of the alarm, zoom in and isolate. Let him run automatically.

What kind of gas is ammonia? Can it be detected with a flammable gas alarm?

Ammonia is a toxic gas and an explosive gas. The key is to see whether the purpose of the test is to prevent poisoning or explosion.

How to choose a flammable gas alarm?

First of all, you need to determine the target gas that needs to be detected. Some gases are both toxic and combustible, which depends on how you want to detect. After you choose the type of detection, you need to choose the principle of detection. In industry, most of the toxic gases used are electrochemical Combustible gas has two types: catalysis and infrared. The catalysis is cheap, but if the background gas contains silicon, sulfur, and lead, it will cause sensor poisoning and failure. Infrared does not have this problem, but high humidity environment will Infrared has an effect, but as long as it does not condense, the problem is not significant. The next step is to choose whether to have an on-site display, whether explosion-proof is required, and output signals. Measuring the detector is actually very simple. It mainly depends on the long-term stability and false alarm rate of the product. As long as these two points are done well, there is no problem in using them. Regarding the response time, this parameter is very important, but now many people take it as a myth and think that as long as the response time is fast, it is good. In fact, one-sided pursuit of response time will lead to an increase in false alarm rates.

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