Compressed Gas Safety

One of the most common safety hazards in all labs are compressed gas cylinders. Handling and storage of these cylinders is also one of the most common EPA and OSHA violations. The following simple guidelines will help ensure a safe lab. Flammable, Asphyxiant, Toxic, Corrosive, Oxidizer, Pyrophoric and Cryogenic gases require additional safety measures. Contact […]

Chemical Spills

REMEMBER: DO FIRST AID FIRST, THEN ASSESS THE SPILL – Is the Spill Major or Minor? Minor Spill Response Notify fellow workers in vicinity of spill. Secure area, by restricting access and posting signs. Remove any potential ignition sources and unplug nearby electrical equipment. Gather and review safety information on spilled chemical. Review chemical’s Safety […]

Chemical Inventory, Storage and Handling

Chemical Inventory  Each PI/Lab Manager is required to maintain an inventory of chemicals stored and produced in their laboratory. Laboratories can use the SBU EH&S Chemical Inventory form or any other template that includes full chemical name, CAS number, Manufacturer Name. Nitric acid is one of the chemicals of interest regulated by DHS and a […]

Zirconia Oxygen Analysis

The zirconia oxygen analyzer is suitable for measurements of ppm to % levels of oxygen in a gas or mixture of gases. The zirconia cell is an electrochemical galvanic cell employing a high temperature ceramic sensor containing stabilised zirconium oxide. Within an instrument the zirconia cell is mounted in a temperature controlled furnace with the […]

Application of dew point meter

In winter, we will see a common phenomenon. Due to the low outdoor temperature, the humid and hot indoor air will condense on the window glass, making the window glass blurred. If we observe and study carefully, if we turn on the dehumidifier indoors to gradually remove the humidity in the room, even though the […]

Features of zirconium oxide sensor technology dew point meter

The structure of the zirconium oxide sensor The zirconium oxide film is sandwiched between two Pt electrodes. The working principle of the zirconium oxide sensor is that the oxygen ions in the zirconium oxide can move freely at high temperatures (>700oC), and can conduct oxygen ions but not conduct electricity. When the oxygen concentration on […]

Points for purchasing a dew point meter

The measurement methods of dew point meters (humidity instruments) can be described as diverse, and their performance and price are also very different. This requires us to be cautious when selecting instruments. Not only should we consider performance and price, we should also consider the occasion where the instrument is used and what is measured. […]

What are the types of dew point meters?

1. Mirror type dew point meter Gases with different moisture content will condense on the mirror surface at different temperatures. Using photoelectric detection technology, the exposed layer is detected and the temperature at the time of condensation is measured, and the dew point is directly displayed. The methods of mirror refrigeration include: semiconductor refrigeration, liquid […]

Dew point meter currently on the market

1 Mirror dew point meter Gas with different moisture content will condense on the mirror surface at different temperatures. The photoelectric detection technology is used to detect the exposed layer and measure the temperature at the time of condensation. 2 Chilled mirror dew point meter directly displays the dew point. The methods of mirror refrigeration […]

Selection of dew point meter

Humidity is defined as the content of water vapor in the gas and is an important environmental parameter. The water vapor in the atmosphere affects the physical, chemical and biological processes in nature. Humidity affects the heat, electricity, light, and transmission properties of the gas. Environmental humidity also affects the moisture content in solid and […]

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