The Difference between a Gas Chromatograph and Austenite Gas Analyzer

Gas chromatography is a chromatographic analysis method with gas as the mobile phase, mainly used to separate and analyze volatile substances. Gas chromatography has become one of the most important separation and analysis methods. The gas chromatograph vaporizes the analysis sample in the injection port, and then carries it into the chromatographic column by the carrier gas, and passes the chromatographic column with different retention properties for the components in the mixture to be detected. The column separates the components and introduces them into the detector in order to obtain the detection signal of each component. According to the order of introduction into the detector, after comparison, it is possible to distinguish which component is, and the content of each component can be calculated according to the peak height or peak area. Commonly used detectors are: thermal conductivity detector, flame ionization detector

The gas chromatograph has the advantages of high sensitivity, high performance, high selectivity, fast analysis speed, small sample amount required, and wide application range. The gas chromatograph for gas analysis is based on the composition and concentration of the standard gas. The calibration curve is then tested for the corresponding component content in the unknown sample.

The austenitic gas analyzer uses different solutions to sequentially absorb different components in the gas sample, and uses 40% sodium hydroxide to absorb carbon dioxide in the sample; potassium pyrogallate solution is used to absorb oxygen in the sample; ammonia A strong cuprous chloride solution to absorb carbon monoxide in the sample. Then calculate the content of each component based on the change in sample volume before and after absorption. CH4 and H2 are measured by explosive combustion method, and the remaining gas is N2.

The advantages of the austenitic gas analyzer: simple structure, low price and easy maintenance.

The disadvantage is that this method is a manual analyzer, the operation is cumbersome, the accuracy is low, and the speed is slow.

From the results of Austenite and Chromatography, it can be seen that the content of the chromatogram is low, because the chromatogram is based on the concentration of the standard gas using an external standard method for quantitative and qualitative, and no other unknown gases will be added to the calculation. The result is closer to the actual content

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