Working Principle of Thermal Conductivity Hydrogen Analyzer

The basic principle of this instrument is to determine its composition according to the thermal conductivity of the gas, that is, by measuring the thermal conductivity of the mixed gas. Thermal conductivity hydrogen analyzer

To determine the content of a gas in the mixed gas, the thermal conductivity of hydrogen in the mixed gas is high, so when the background gas (such as N2, etc.) or other components in the mixed gas are kept substantially constant, the thermal conductivity of the mixed gas It basically depends on the amount of hydrogen, so according to the different thermal conductivity of the mixed gas, you can measure the amount of hydrogen contained. XLZ-1090 thermal conductivity hydrogen analyzer can be used to continuously and automatically analyze the hydrogen concentration in various mixed gases. It has the characteristics of high accuracy, simple structure, small maintenance and long service life. Rhenium is mainly used in non-explosion-proof places such as thermal power plants, hydrogen plants of fertilizer plants, and can also be used in scientific research institutions, laboratories, and so on.  1. Power plant: analysis of hydrogen purity in the hydrogen cooling system of the generator and measurement of the percentage of hydrogen in the environment.

Fertilizer plant: The percentage of hydrogen in the fresh gas and circulating gas in the nitrogen and ammonia synthesis process.

Iron and steel plant: analysis of net gas after blast furnace dust removal.

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